In a groundbreaking move set to redefine aerial surveillance, Mumbai’s RRP Drones Innovation Pvt Ltd, led by Rajendra Chodankar, has announced a strategic partnership with UAE-based technology leader Microavia. Together, they will introduce the innovative “Drone in a Box” solution, a product designed for diverse applications ranging from military operations to civilian use.
This cutting-edge technology, developed under the Make in India initiative, promises unparalleled round-the-clock surveillance capabilities across various altitudes, environments, and weather conditions. It is poised to significantly enhance the operational efficiency of India’s armed forces and civilian sectors.
- The launch event was held at the RRP Drones Innovation Pvt Ltd headquarters, located at A 396/397 T.T.C. Industrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400710.
The partnership will be formally cemented today with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Chairman of RRP Drones Innovation Pvt Ltd and the CEO of Microavia (Mr .ENRIQUE PLAZA BAEZ). The event was graced by the presence of the Guest of Honor, Dr Harshdeep Kamble, IAS, Principal Secretary of Industries Department, Government of Maharashtra.
Attendees also witnessed a live demonstration of the “Drone in a Box” solution, showcasing its advanced features and capabilities.
Stay tuned as this collaboration sets a new benchmark in drone technology, propelling India’s surveillance capabilities to new heights.